Active parent policy
Junia en Kibeo voeren een actief ouderbeleid (lees: beleid ouderraadpleging). You can talk and think about the shelter in various ways. In addition to the daily contact with the pedagogical staff, there are various location parent councils and a Client Council is active. We also regularly ask for your opinion through customer satisfaction surveys or evaluations. Read more about the Parent Councils and Client Council below.
The Client Council
The members of the Client Council (CR) are parents who use a day care centre, out-of-school care or toddler group for the care of their child(ren). The CR represents the interests of parent and child. In addition, she advises the director on everything that directly or indirectly affects the quality of the care. You may have questions that the pedagogical staff or the people at the Central Office cannot answer immediately. The CR is then your point of contact. If you have signals, you can make them known to the CR. The CR ensures good communication and is the point of contact for the location parent councils.
Send your question/signal to [email protected].
Samenstelling van de Cliëntenraad Kibeo:
Chairman: Angelique den Boer
Vice-chairman: Ilona van Lieren
Secretary: Wendy van Oevelen
Member: Marlies van Ravenswaaij-Bernart
Member: Edith van Dijke-van den Bersselaar
Member: Mirjam Dek
Member: Annelies Buitenkamp
Member: Michelle Both-Apperloo
Member: Jacco van der Borgt
Do you want to become a member of the Client Council or do you want more information about this? Then contact us at [email protected].
Think along via the Customer Panel
The customer panel consists mainly of concerned parents. A number of times a year, they are often digitally presented with a choice, statement or even dilemma. They provide us with input, feedback and advice. This sometimes helps us to make a choice more easily. This makes it clearer to us what our target group considers important with regard to a certain question or issue.
Do you want to be part of our customer panel? Then send an email to [email protected].
Parent council location
Almost every branch has a Location Parent Council (LOR). You can also register as a member at a branch where there is no LOR. With two members or more, a parent council is formed. As a member of the parent council, you discuss and think along about matters related to the reception at the location and you help organize special activities.
What does the LOR do towards the Client Council (CR)? The LOR can authorize the CR for advisory rights on the general policy of Kibeo. The CR keeps the LORs informed of its activities.
Would you like to become a member of the Location Parent Council at your location? Ask the pedagogical staff member for more information. You can also read more information about this in the regulations of the Parent Councils Location.
You can read more information about the role of parents in childcare at the BOINK website, the interest group of parents in childcare.